Bishop's Stortford Methodist Church

Open to God Open to You Open to Each Other


Our church offers a variety of activities each week: physical, recreational and spiritual.   
Find out more by clicking on the activities listed below. Other activities are listed on the Oasis Lounge Page.

As Christians we seek to extend loving care to all, whatever their circumstance and particularly in times of sorrow and stress. We have a well organised network of pastoral and community visitors for those within (and outside) the church family.

We support a large variety of organisations and hold events to raise funds for them. These include: 
Whitechapel Mission      MHA 
Leprosy Mission   Christian Aid     All We Can
Action for Children  local YMCA and World Mission projects.



Coffee Mornings for town shoppers and regulars every  Thursday and Saturday - meet up with friends for coffee, cakes and a chat. Saturday Coffee Mornings are offered out for charities and local community groups to run and raise funds for their cause.  

We are also open for tea and coffee 10am -4pm Tuesday - Thursday, 10am-12noon Monday and Friday mornings each week.

Social and church groups

Thursday Friendship Group - for women of all ages
House Groups - for church members to study scripture and socialise

Girls' Brigade for girls 5-11+ years seeks to encourage Christian values with lots of fun activities.

Churches Together

Our church is part of  Churches Together in Bishop's Stortford with involvements in Holiday Bible Week (a Summer outreach event), the Town Carnival, Bishop's Stortford Child Contact Centre , Street Pastors ,Good Friday Walk of Witness, Love Stortford.