Bishop's Stortford Methodist Church

Open to God Open to You Open to Each Other

Methodist Church

Bishop's Stortford Methodist Church Warm welcomehas been at the centre of the towfor over a century.                                                                                                          

  Our Worship is every Sunday at 10.00 am 

Our Songs of Praise service is on the third Sunday of a month at 4.00 pm

 If you are unable to attend in person but wish to join us at our streamed worship (Sunday mornings only), click on this  logo. YouTube Channel     

We are open Tues - Thurs 10am - 4pm, Fridays and Saturdays 10am - 12noon weekly for a range of activities.  There is also the Memory Café (Alzheimer's Society) on the 1st Monday of the month 10am-12noon excluding bank holidays - all welcome.

What's on this week ? 
Monday 8 July Open
10am-12noon Memory Café
Tuesday 9 July Open 10am - 4pm                                                                                                                      
10am -12 noon Knit and Natter
2.30-4pm CAMEO Come and meet each other group for senior citizens
6.30-8pm Girls' Brigade 
Wednesday 10 July 10am-4pm                                                                                                                              
10.30am-12 noon Isabel Hospice Coffee Morning -open to all                                                                                             
12.00-4.00pm A special cup - a feel good place for fun social activities and a friendly chat.
Thursday 11 July June 10am- 12 noon
10.00am-12 noon Coffee and Cake
10.00am-4pm Mindfulness Colouring -we have books and pencils or you can bring your own. 
2.00pm -4.00pm Companionship Café - a place for unpaid carers to come and chat
Friday 12 July  10am-12 noon
10.00am -12 noon Friday Froglets drop in for under 5's and their carers and Bridge for Beginners
Saturday 13 July Church Open 10am - 12 noon 
10.00am-12noon Coffee Morning for Girls' Brigade
Sunday 14 July 10am 
10.00am Morning Worship with  led by Revd Stuart Veitch
We are committed to providing a safe, caring environment for all.

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