Open to God Open to You Open to Each Other
The Oasis Lounge is a welcoming café space that is open all year round with many activities throughout the week. The café operates on a donation only basis and is open to all.
What's On in the Oasis Lounge
10am-12n Memory Café and open for coffee to all
10am-4pm Open for coffee
10am-12n Knit & Natter (1st & 3rd Tues) Craft & Chatter (2 & 4th Tues), Cards for Bravery (5th Tues)
2:30pm Bible Study/Prayer/Fellowship 1st & 3rd Tues of the month (start times may vary)
12n-4pm A Special Cup (games, newspapers and refreshments with a listening ear)
10am-4pm Open for coffee
10am-12n Compassionate Café (a coffee morning run by Isabel Hospice and open to all)
2:30pm CAMEO(Come And Meet Each Other) 2nd Tuesday of Month)
10am-4pm - Open for Coffee
10am-12n Coffee Morning (with cakes)
2pm - 4pm Companionship Café (run by Home Instead for unpaid carers)
10am-11:30am - Friday Froglets for pre-schoolers (Term time) -Also open for Tea/Coffee (Bridge 1st and 3rd Fridays in the Sanctuary). - Other events may take place in the school holidays.
10am-12n Coffee Morning run by the church and other charities/groups.