Open to God Open to You Open to Each Other
We have three House Groups in which church members and
friends meet in a social setting in one home or another. The
groups meet at various intervals: weekly, fortnightly or as arranged each
time. Some people are members of more than one group and all
groups are pleased to welcome new members.
Each group has its own
programme to suit the Christian purpose on which the members have
decided. Some groups have developed a pattern of longer term
Bible studies based on one of the Old or New
Testatment books, delving more deeply into the context and
meaning. Others elect to follow shorter term studies
of one of the Gospels, and how the subjects and portrayal
can relate to life in the 21st century. Others have a more social
purpose involving a wide range of speakers and discussion of
Christian values.
Gambet Group Wednesday
every 3 to 4 weeks at 8pm
Meets for study and
fellowship using Bibles, and digital resources.
email: gambet
Renewal Group 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 8pm
We study the books of the Bible and modern books using teaching tapes, DVDs and
commentaries, finishing with a time of open prayer.
email: renewal
informal group for 30-40s based around Bible study but often gets side-tracked
onto discussing other issues. Also
meets for social evenings.
email: tangent